Saturday 9 February 2013


It's slightly scary starting a blog. I have no idea if anybody will ever read this, or if I am merely writing this for my own amusement. Actually, part of it is that I feel compelled to set myself a challenge or two in a bid to become better acquainted with Cairo, the city to which my husband, baby daughter and I moved three months ago.

Cairo is a wonderful city. We moved here from Jerusalem, where we lived three years. The two cities couldn't be more different. Cairo is a teeming Middle Eastern metropolis with a vibrant social and cultural scene, and a fascinating history. Jerusalem, by contrast, felt at times stifled by the weight of history and conflict.

But back to the point of this blog. We live in Zamalek, the area populated by the British during colonial times, and now home to embassies, consulates and a large expatriate community. As such, it is something of a bubble, and it is all too easy to spend one's days here, exploring the galleries, whiling away hours in atmospheric little cafes, sitting on our terrace... but it's not the real Cairo, and so I set myself a challenge of exploring the city's cuisine, Egyptian and everything else. Where I can, I will take photos, where I can, I will avoid posting about the humdrum, the chains... and if you should ever chance upon this blog, I hope you might draw some inspiration for fun dining in Cairo.

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